
        While grades and tests scores are extremely important in the college application process, a crucial aspect many often take for granted are those that often take place outside of the classroom.

          What Are Extracurriculars and Why Do They Matter?

An extracurricular can be virtually anything you do outside of school.  Whether it be a club, sport, job, or hobby, these all include extracurricular activities.

        Why Are They Important?

While yes, maintaining a high GPA and scoring high on the SAT or ACT demonstrates your ability perform well in subjects you are interested in, showing interest outside of a school setting will significantly boost both your resume and even your passions.  Exhibiting personal involvement outside of required school highlights true fervency beyond what is required.  Extracurriculars are a great way for schools to get a glimpse into your potential and what you are capable of achieving beyond higher education.

       Some Ideas To Get You Thinking

Everyone has different resources available to them, however this will not stop you from making a difference or getting involved in your area. Some popular extracurriculars include clubs which are often convenient and can create a community of others with shared interests. Another option may be to look at physical locations around you to see how you can become active in your own community. If you're interested in medical health, search for volunteer recruitments at a hospital near you. Or if you love math, try looking for tutoring opportunities at an educational center near your home. If you've done some browsing around your area and haven't found anything, not too worry. The internet is overflowing with endless opportunities for students in high school in any field you can think of. Becoming an online volunteer tutor has never been more accessible, going you the ability to share your knowledge with others. Additionally, discovering a virtual internship is a great way to exhibit your abilities and knowledge applicable in a real-world setting. The world is your oyster!